Why RV rallies are great times to get your tanks cleaned
RV rallies are great events to meet new people, reconnect with old friends, go on local excursions, and just “become one” with your RV and other owners. It’s also a great time to get service done on your RV, like have your holding tanks cleaned out. Here’s why!
Last year, we attended a record-breaking 16 RV rallies. From state-level club rallies to manufacturer-sponsored events to owner’s club rallies, we’ve seen and services just about every type of RV in existence. Better yet, we’ve met lots of great people and helped them to get (and keep!) their RVs clean and working again.
So why are RV rallies such great places to have service done on your RV, especially your holding tanks and waste disposal system?
It’s a learning experience.
We don’t mean this from the point of being able to ask us a lot of questions as we’re cleaning your RV’s holding tanks (that always happens!), but at most RV rallies, we are able to put on an educational seminar for attendees. In these seminars, we cover all types of topics related to your RV — not just holding tanks (though that’s most of them).
Our seminars are interactive. We used to rely on a projected, computer-based presentation, but now we find a more informal, walk-around style seems to work better for everyone.
There are lots of questions. Yes, we have a sort of agenda or outline that we try to follow, but we always love questions. In most cases, we have to cut our seminar short because we’ve got too many questions from RVers! We’ve even compiled the Top Questions we get asked the often!
We try to find humor in the situation. Hey, we know you have better things than to listen to some guy talk about poop for an hour. So we use jokes, hands-on demonstrations, and pass around all kinds of things for you to look at (please don’t open any jars!).
We do a lot of cleanings.
At most weeklong rallies, we’ll do between 20 and 30 tank cleanings. Depending on how much sun there is during the day (really, that’s a big deciding factor), we can do anywhere from four to seven cleanings a day.
When you sign-up for service at a rally, we’re often on a tight schedule. But we are also intimately familiar with your rig and problems you may be experiencing because we’re cleaning so many of them. We hear other owner’s problems and are able to adjust our advice “on the fly” to the situations you are all having.
Also, since we’re moving quickly from one rig to another, we’re able to work faster and more efficiently. We may try to cluster you and your neighbors together to clean you all in a row. We may also show up earlier than your scheduled time to get a jump start on the day.
You can save money.
We have a couple of different pricing structures. For “full cleanings” (one black, up to two gray tanks, and, if you have one, a complimentary water heater tank cleaning), our price is $250 to $300 depending on the RV type and situation. This also assumes we are driving to your RV park and cleaning only your RV’s tanks.
We also offer a special “rally price” during rallies. This is usually $225 to $250, depending on the type of RVs and if the rally is out of our normal service area. If you come up to us at the rally, stop by our vendor hall booth, or stop me when I’m cleaning another RV to arrange service, this is the price you will be quoted.
You can see if we’ll be at your rally by checking out our Online Rally Schedule. There, you can sign-up for a service appointment and get the reduced rate.
Rallies are just a great experience.
Really, we love what we do. That sounds funny when you realize we deal with other people’s waste. But we like to be helpful and teach people the right things to do — something we weren’t taught either by our RV dealership, haven’t read online anywhere, and, we found, few RVers really knew also.
So, see if we’re coming to your rally this year and be sure to make an appointment to get your RV’s holding tanks cleaned. Even if you don’t want the service, be sure to attend our seminar or stop by our vendor hall booth to ask a question, buy a Valterra Flush King Back Flush Valve, or just say “hi!”

Jim Tome, Owner
Hi, I'm Jim Tome and, along with my wife, Debbie, the owners of Kleen Tank LLC, the national leader in RV holding tank cleaning service. We've been RVers like you since 2004 and have traveled all over the U.S. in our Airstream travel trailer. We started the business about twelve years ago and have cleaned tens of thousands holding tanks in thousands of RVs. From tiny weekend travel trailers to monstrous fifth wheels to luxurious motorhomes, I've seen just about every situation there is with RV holding tanks and waste systems. I hope you enjoy our articles; I try to post at least one per week and we've got a great library of them to cover just about every problem. Enjoy!
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