Extra Precautions We’re Taking for COVID-19
Kleen Tank cares about your safety — and that of our employees and technicians. In addition to our normal safety precautions, we’re implementing new ones (that we intend to keep long after this pandemic emergency has been resolved!).
There’s no doubt that this COVID pandemic has made all of us much more attentive to personal safety, cleanliness, and precautions. That’s why we’ve implemented some changes to how we interact with our customers and service their RVs. Our intent is to elevate our already high level of safety and sanitation.
Glove up!
If you’ve had us work on your RV or been to one of our seminars at a rally, you know that we are big fans of gloves. In fact, once we arrive at your site, we immediately put on a pair of tight-fitting gloves, probably similar to the ones you use (right?!) when you dump your RV’s waste. Ours are latex, neoprene, or nitrile.
We also use a larger, longer and much thicker pair of rubber gloves over our first set of gloves. It’s just a habit we got into from the start and we feel it adds an extra layer of protection and safety.
One thing you will see now is us changing the first layer of gloves much more often during a typical service. If we feel we’ve touched anything personal (like our face) and then something on your rig, we change gloves immediately.
Wear that mask
The high pressure water we use with our cleaning process tends to aerosolize anything it comes in contact with, which is normally waste. In the past, we’ve tried to wear an N-95 mask whenever we perform our cleaning service on an RV.
From now on, we will always wear a protective mask, when interacting with customers directly and especially when entering their RV for any work inside.
We will begin disinfecting all surfaces of your RV that we tough, irregardless of whether we have a glove barrier or not. That disinfection will be with a Center for Disease Control-approved cleaner, either bleach of alcohol based.
Additionally, we will use an approved hand sanitizer before and after working in your RV, as we have always done in the past.
Does our tank solution kill the COVID-19 virus?
Many have asked whether our Calgon, Pine Sol and water-based tank solution is sufficient to kill the COVID-19 virus. While Clorox, which makes Pine Sol, has products approved by the CDC to kill the virus, Pine Sol is not currently one of those products.
Every cleaning service we perform will now include a document outlining our safety procedures and processes we have implemented in light of the COVID-19 situation.
What you may not know
While there’s no concrete evidence that the COVID-19 — or any other virus — can be transmitted via human waste, we know we’re working with some pretty nasty stuff (no offense).
We get regular inoculations against tetanus, hepatitis B, and influenza. We discuss the details of our business with our physician regularly and take appropriate steps to guard against catching something.
Additionally, our technician has a first aid kit on-hand and addresses any cuts, scrapes, pokes or other skin abrasions immediately. They happen much more often than you think.
Our commitment
Kleen Tank is committed to your safety as well as that of our employees. If you have any questions regarding our business practices, please do not hesitate to contact us. Be safe and be smart with your RV lifestyle.

Jim Tome, Owner
Hi, I'm Jim Tome and, along with my wife, Debbie, the owners of Kleen Tank LLC, the national leader in RV holding tank cleaning service. We've been RVers like you since 2004 and have traveled all over the U.S. in our Airstream travel trailer. We started the business about twelve years ago and have cleaned tens of thousands holding tanks in thousands of RVs. From tiny weekend travel trailers to monstrous fifth wheels to luxurious motorhomes, I've seen just about every situation there is with RV holding tanks and waste systems. I hope you enjoy our articles; I try to post at least one per week and we've got a great library of them to cover just about every problem. Enjoy!
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P.O. Box 313, Sycamore, IL 60178
844-KLEENME (844-553-3663)
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