Kleen Tank of Michigan



Joel and Jen Hagan of Kleen Tank of Southern California. Call 562-341-7166 today to schedule an RV waste tank cleaning appointment.Hi there! We’re Joel and Jen Hagan, Authorized Kleen Tank dealers in Southern Calfornia. We both grew up RVing with our families and we began RVing together in 2020 and we love it! We enjoy meeting up with family and friends on the road and bringing our dog along for the fun. Currently, we travel in our 2019 Keystone Passport 199.

We decided to become a Kleen Tank dealer because we love to help people and we love RVing and there was a big need for this in our area, so this is a great fit. We’re please just how happy people are to learn more about the proper way to take care of their RV tanks and how thankful they are for the knowledge we have. Meeting fellow RVer’s has been so much fun for us!

Service areas
We service Southern California, including the Greater Los Angeles area, Orange County, San Diego County, and Riverside County. We also travel quite a bit, so if you’re wondering whether we’re in your area, give us a call at 562-341-7166.

A little Q&A

Kleen Tank of Southern California attends RV rallies and events all over the U.S. Make an appointment to get your RV's holding tanks professionally cleaned today.Q. How did you first learn about Kleen Tank?
A. We first learned about Kleen Tank by listening to a podcast about rv tank cleaning and learned how important it is to the health of your holding tanks. We decided to do a little research because this would be a great service we could provide to fellow RVers in our area and when we are on the road.

Q. What’s your favorite thing you look forward to as a Kleen Tank dealer?
A. When we were considering joining Kleen Tank we meet with several dealers and we realized that they are a family, they care about each other, help of each other and we knew that is what we wanted to be a part of! We have been so happy with our decision.

Q. What’s the one thing you want your customers to know?
A. We would like our customers to know that we love RVing. We both grew up RVing with our families and continue to do so with our family. We love to meet new people and help people with their RV’s and help teach them better ways to take care of their tanks.

Reach out to us
You can reach us by phone/text at 562-341-7166, by sending us an email or by completing the short contact form, below. You can also reach us on Facebook/Messenger [facebook.com/KleenTankofSouthernCalifornia]. We’ll get back to you just as soon as we can!